This is one of my favorite drawings. I originally drew this as a going-away present for my pastor and his family, before they left Seattle to start a new church in Hilo, Hawai'i. I chose a heart as the background to represent God's love for us, and decorated it with taulima (Samoan tattoo) designs. The banner shows the scripture Ephesians 6:24 in Samoan, "Ia i ai lou alofa tunoa ia i latou uma o e alolofa tumau i lo tatou Alii o Iesu Keriso." Efeso 6:24 At the bottom of the banner is the word "Shalom" in Hebrew. Meaning 'peace be with you.' At the top of the banner is a dove holding an olive branch, similar to the one in the story of Noah's Ark; symbolizing God's promise and faithfulness.
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